My first awakening was at 17. Yes. It was drug induced. It was LSD and it changed my reality. For the first time in my life the depression that had been a constant was completely and totally lifted. I saw a reality that I knew to be more real than anything I ahd experienced until that point.
That changed my life. I devoted the next 30 years to finding that truth and being able to abide in it without drugs and still living a productive life,
I am blessed to have the skill and opportunities to be able to take what I have learned in 30 years of this path and use all my trials and tribulations to exponentially accelerate the awakening/self realization process for people, like you, looking for truth. I can assist not only in waking up to your true nature (actually the easy part), but, more importantly, working with you to maintain and continue to deepen in that being.
It's as simple as 1,2,3...4! Win your time back TODAY to start growing your business!
Read my story and testimonials to find how people like you ahve been helped in this journey. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
Listen to posts I have shared on my YouTube page. These range from Tao Teh Ching to health and wellness.
Join my Facebook and Instagram groups to connect with me and join a community of people on all steps of this journey.
Click below to schedule a complimentary call to chat. I love these calls. Connecting with new people and seeing if we are a fit for eachother.